Picture of the Month - April

Wait a minute Alexander, you took my fish? How can I post a pic of the same fish if you just did? Now I have to re-think my whole schema for the POTM. DAMMIT!!!

doc, just cuz you wanted to post a pic of the same fish doesn't mean you can't.... just take a better one! or get one with the blue and koran. blow me outta the water. I dare ya :)
Everyones pictures look great. Some tough choices this month. I haven't been online for awhile so today was my first time seeing lionfishes pic on the homepage. It looks great! congrats!

I like the colors here. Good luck all:)
Michelle, it was a nice shot of the two fish. I have a special place in my heart for coral beauties.

As for the challenge Red, its ON BABY!!! I will post a video of my radiata lionfish eating tonight and then work on my POTM entry. My angels will KICK-ASS!!!!!!!! (I should do a water change first, it has been about a month....damn I am lazy)
