pineapple sponges


Reefing newb
As determined in a seperate post I have a ton of nutrients in my tank that I'm working on fixing through several different actions. However, due to some of my bad habits prior too this I have quite the pineapple sponge colony growing in my sump. My water return has a "sponge" filter and the pineapple sponges have been having a good old time nesting in it. Anyway I'm starting to get some flow issues from it getting clogged and I'm having a really difficult time cleaning sponges out of it. I'm afraid if i run without it they'll clog up the inside of the pump or the return hose.

Anyone know any tricks for cleaning pineapple sponges out of pump sponges?
You can probably get a replacement sponge. I would try soaking it in a vinegar and water solution for several hours, rinse it well and see if that helps.