Pump for water changes


Vlamingi owner 4 life!
I would like to pick up a small pump to help me with water changes. Since my new setup will have a sump can I just leave a small pump submerged in the sump and just pump out 10-12 gallons when i do the water change?
Thats kinda how I do mine.
Only I dont leave the pump in my sump.Once I've pumped the old water out,I drop the pump in my mixing drum and pump the new water back in.
i use a maxijet 600 with a piece of 3/8 vinyl tubing stuck on the end of it. i drain the water with a siphon to pick junk up from the sand, then fill it back up with the maxi-jet submerged in a 5 gallon bucket. it works great for filling and doesn't kick up any sand
huh...once again, I do things WAY different than all of you. I dump my water back into my tank with the bucket (gently mind you) and don't really worry much about stirring up the sand. I guess you could use a pump, but it seems more work than it is worth to me.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I do water changes from the sump. So I don't even have to mess with the main tank and I don't have to worry about stirring up any sand. And that way the new water is slowly mixed in with the old water from the tank.