Pump Thoughts


Where am I? Oh there I am
Ok here goes... I put my self in a second track thought process as i was tinking about my return pump. How many GPH are suggested for a 75 gal tank? How do i do the math for this. I had originally planned 1 1" overflow to the sump with 2 return lines into the tank (one in each corner) but i went with 1" pvc going to the tank for return lines also i plan on splitting the flow with a T to each side and then at the tank it is 1 in bulkhead and then minimized to 3/4" for the tubing and reduced Y to double split to 1/2" output so that way the flow can be on the top and center of the tank for good water flow in the tank. I currently have an EHIEM 1250 but from what i can find it is only has a Pump Output: 317 gph Delivery Head: 6`7" Power Consumption: 28 W (115V) Hose Connection (Suction Side): 3/4" Hose Connection (Pressure Side): 1/2".

This i think i am not going to have enough flow since i will have to go from 1/2" output from the pump to 1" pvc and so on as described above.... What size pump would be suggested for this and how do i figure it out for loss of gph depending on the height of the tank. The head of the water in the tank will be about 5' from sump to top of water in tank.

I got myself lost on this one:frustrat:
The specs from the pump manufacturer will give you various head height specs, usually for every 1 foot. And those specs are max flow. Since you are going from a 1/2" pump outlet to the 1" plumbing, you will definitely have max flow.

Also, keep in mind that the more flow you have through your sump, the more chance you have of getting micro bubbles in the display tank. I'm able to put about 3-5x my tank volume through my sump. The rest of my flow comes from powerheads in my tank.
Thank You Everyone i think i will check out what kind of flow i am getting from the return and see what happens from there the stand is still in the process of building so we will see after that what i need to increase after that kind of leaning towards the mag 9.5 hmmm i am sure i could get the flow to match it.
I ran a mag 5 on my 75.The 5 seemed to be about the perfect flow rate through the sump with a little over 48" head.

+1 Yote.
I run the mag 5 also for my return and it is perfect flow for my 72. No micro bubbles at all. i also run 2 koralia 3s and 1 koralia 1 for extra needed water movement in the tank.