question about building a sump


Reefing newb
Hey everyone

I am think in the fall sometime I am going to upgrade my 75 gal aquarium with new equipment and make it look better and quieter for the main living room where it is driving me nuts with the noise.

What I am thinking of doing is building a sump for it and running piping through the walls into the basement where I will have the sump located. What I was thinking of doing as a "money-saver" was using a large plastic tote, rubbermaid type of thing. Supported of course from the pressure on the sides Without going into details on how to build a sump because I am still researching that, I am just curious has anyone ever tried this or heard of someone doing this?

I know I have to buy more powerful pumps to over come the head pressures back in to the tank but I can't see why this wouldn't work. It may even be a bit saver in terms of flooding because it would be in the basement next to the floor drain and even that I can buy even bigger totes to guarantee there will be no flooding.

What do you think? Will it work? Am I missing something that wouldn't make this work?

Thank you.:Cheers:
a 20 or 30 gallon glass aquarium would work and would not need to be braced at all. you can get them for really cheap. Just a thought i like your idea though.
Thanks for the replies at least I can keep on planning what I am going to do and then the hard part, Convince the wife to let me put holes in the wall :frustrat:. HAHA, maybe even a bigger tank but that might be pushing it.

BL1-- thanks for the links to the other postings, that looks really good. Gives me a whole bunch of other ideas to do as well.

Navyguyame-- I was originally going to use just the 20 or 30 gal tank and have it underneath my DT but when I started thinking about moving the down to the basement I figure I will have one large to fit everything. In case of future upgrades. I also don't want the noise associated with having it close. Thanks though. :Cheers:
Yeah the rubbermaid tubs were definitely good. But I couldn't find a sturdy bigger one to fit everything I wanted to fit with room to spare. I had this other large one, but I had to replace it twice because of microcracks that formed underneath. So I ended up going to my lfs and shelling out the $$ for a 65g pond tub. It deep enough, plus I have the option of installing a buklhead in it for emergency drainage in case my check valve fails. I haven't done that part yet, but it's just a matter of getting a bulkhead for it.