RBTA Hanging Upside Down


Reefing newb

I have a question pertaining to my RBTA that I recently bought. I acllimcated him, placed him in the and he seemed to have found a spot to his liking. A day later I could not find him and finally found him wedged between some live rock. I carefully moved the LR and found he had attached to the underside of the LR and was hangning upside down. I didn;t try to move him and left him there where he has remained. One of my porcelain anemone crabs has taken up hosting in him (no luck with the clowns yet). The crab just hangs upside onto the anemone and they seem happy. My question is this: Does the anemone need to be out in the light? Where he's located now is in a small cave that gets some light but not full light. I fed him a piece of krill (which the crab stole most of) and he has retained his color and his bulb tips are expanded. Any help would be appreciated. (sorry for the long read)

BTAs will do that.They like to keep their foot hidden in the rock which protects it.It'll come out to get light when its ready.Once it gets adjusted to your system.
that's cool to know, i just bought one last week and he does the same thing. he's only been out for one day. when the lights went out he went back into hiding
Well, it's been almost a month now. He's still hagning upside down and my porcelain crab is still hanging on hosting in him. He must be happy as he really hasn't moved. I guess if he gets the urge, he'll move when ready.

If you guys have a good reflection from the bottom then the bta is probably betting enough light from the substrate and will adjust as time goes by. may not move or may move if location becomes unfavorable.

I do have a good bit of reflection off of my sandbed, especially since I added the reflectors (I have more light reaching the bottom of the tank). I have a light colored sand which helps with the reflection. I/m just hoping he'll come down and find a place where he's more visible. But I don't want to stress him out and try to move him (with my luck he'd die on me).
