Recycle Timers

that sounds great. the cycles you have would be good for a random flow. and with a 15 amp breaker you could run alot of power heads on it. what about making it so that it has two sides so that when one shuts off the other turns on so that not all the power heads are on and off at the same time. so lets say that you are running 6 pumps three of them shut off and the other three turn on. this would create a good random flow current

WOW! Daugherty, a great idea, I'll talk to THE BRAIN... HaHaHa... my cousin.
I bet he will love this challenge... :cheerful:
that sounds great. the cycles you have would be good for a random flow. and with a 15 amp breaker you could run alto of power heads on it. what about making it so that it has two sides so that when one shuts off the other turns on so that not all the power heads are on and off at the same time. so lets say that you are running 6 pumps three of them shut off and the other three turn on. this would create a good random flow current

Can you say, rouge waves...:shock:
We stuck a 20 amp relay in this baby, should not fail in 5 or more years.
Fused at 15 amps so you don't burn down the house, I'm tempted to put a 10 amp resettable fuse in the box. ;)
Prototype is being tested right now, your idea will be a little way down the road.
The proper relay is still a mystery, I'm sure it's out there.:dunno:
OK, we have all the components in our hands. It works better then I hoped for.
I'll have to do some serious testing; when I'm convertible with this design, I'd like to send you one for testing, and hopefully a positive review.
Would you be interested?

Yeah,I'll give it a run through for ya. Just let me know.
If you are able to get these actually going i am sure there would be quite a few reefers out there that would jump at the opportunity if they are reasonibly priced. the main reason for the reasonable price is because, im not sure if you know this but you probably do, this hobby can get rather expensive with buying all the necessary equipment and livestock.

But like i said I am sure there would be plenty of people who would buy the product, i know for sure that i would if i can afford it! :D

i love daughertys idea also, i was thinking of something along the same lines when i started reading through this thread. that way you wont have nearly no flow in the tank for a couple mins at a time, which is not good if you have corals that need constant flow :)
If you are able to get these actually going i am sure there would be quite a few reefers out there that would jump at the opportunity if they are reasonibly priced. the main reason for the reasonable price is because, im not sure if
i love Daugherty's idea also, i was thinking of something along the same lines when i started reading through this thread. that way you wont have nearly no flow in the tank for a couple mins at a time, which is not good if you have corals that need constant flow :)

OK, lets see it has to work and be cheap...
My middle name is cheap, that should help!
And I truly appreciate your thoughts... :cheerful:
that sounds great. the cycles you have would be good for a random flow. and with a 15 amp breaker you could run alot of power heads on it. what about making it so that it has two sides so that when one shuts off the other turns on so that not all the powerheads are on and off at the same time. so lets say that you are running 6 pumps three of them shut off and the other three turn on. this would creat a good random flow current

About your idea, it was easy to figure out how to do it.
And it will do what you want nicely.
The only road block is a small 5vdc coil relay with 15A 125v n/o n/c contacts.
It has to fit in the box plus an extra outlet too, pretty tight already...
Hey all, in a week I'll have a reefer proto type cycle timer.
I have high hopes in this timer...

Proto type Aero/NFT Timer has been in testing for over a week!
Loses 1 sec. per hour, damn!!! LOL!!! Who cares??? LOL!!!
Super quiet relay, just a nice design, hope it sells? :Cheers:
glad to hear it working. another good timer would be one that does not shut the pumps off completely just cuts the voltage so that it slows down the pumps to like 20% then ramps them back up to 100%. some people like me have pumps that are not made to be turned off and on all the time.
glad to hear it working. another good timer would be one that does not shut the pumps off completely just cuts the voltage so that it slows down the pumps to like 20% then ramps them back up to 100%. some people like me have pumps that are not made to be turned off and on all the time.

Wow! Who knew? Would one outlet be ok?:question:
Hey everybody...

I now have a working model...:bounce:
Sorry it took so long, finding the right relay out of 100,000 relays was :frustrat:

Trying to cram everything into this small box was fun too! :grumble:

I'll give it a good test, and design a label.

Show a picture or two.

Then I will do as promised from the start...:mrgreen:
glad to hear it working. another good timer would be one that does not shut the pumps off completely just cuts the voltage so that it slows down the pumps to like 20% then ramps them back up to 100%. some people like me have pumps that are not made to be turned off and on all the time.

I talked about this with the electrical engineer, pumps hate low current even more then on / off... sorry.