RO water help

I would'nt. I've heard a horror story or two about ppl trying to cut corners like that. I think distilled water removes impurities but, fails to remove all the chloramines. Also that DI water would need to be
re-mineralized because the fish would'nt be able to osmoregulate w/o mineral properties.
I read an article about this a couple of years back. I'm sorry but, I just don't remember all the details.
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no, distilled water is absolutely the same as RO/DI water. Its pure water achieved two different ways.

And when you add the salt mix you remineralize it . . . .
Well, You learn something new everyday. I just wish I could remember where I read that article from. Oh well...I'm glad that I have an RO/DI filter so I don't have any question about the water I use.
nitrates, phosphates, copper, chlorine, pharmaceutics, and other minerals and heavy metals. It takes out everything, you are left with pure water

tap water is really quite disgusting when you look at what is in it
you really want to keep it 10 or under, especially if that is what is coming out from the RO/DI unit

for strait tap water, that isnt bad, but the real question then becomes what makes up those 40 ppm?