
Does she have someplace to hide from the male? Perhaps she would do better in a cave or under a shelf instead of just lying on the bottom?

Cyanide was a major problem when I kept fish only tanks as a kid. It's really hard to say how long before they show signs of severe poisoning. Some fish could have been poisoned and never show any signs. They could go on to live a long time. Other fish would die within days or weeks of being introduced to your tank.

You can always tell a dead fish has been cyanide poisoned because it rots their liver. It turns their liver into jello. Leaves a gruesome soft, black spot on their side after they are dead.

Typical fish liver is located just above the pectoral fins and slightly behind the head. On top of where you would normally think of their guts. Usually somewhere around the lateral line, but it varies between species.

In my experience, a fish that is going to die from cyanide poisoning usually doesn't last long once they show signs of distress and start to act sick. They can be swimming along fine one day and then the next day, they look kinda sluggish. Couple hrs later (24hrs +/-) they are dead. But, thats just my experience.
From what I know, cyanide is really only an issue for fish caught in the Philippines/Malaysia area. And I've also read that fish caught using cyanide usually have much more bright, vivid coloration at the time of purchase. And they rarely survive, if that method is used to catch them.
From what I have read into it cyanide is no longer used because all the reef that they used it in are destroyed and harbor very little life.

My tank has plenty of places for her to hide. She has since found a better spot in the tank.
Cyanide is still used in foriegn countries and you are right it does destroy reefs, but money hungery people don't seem to mind.....Bass-turds

Good luck with your fish though, I hope there is no illness.
The only real way to hurt the butt plugs that use cyanide to catch the fish,Is do out very level best not to buy their fish.
Even if it means finding another LFS.