should i add more live sand


Reefing newb
I just read a thread on how much is enough.
I only have about 1 1/2 in of crushed coral / live sand mix
should i add more live sand, coral, both?
can I do this wih the two damsels in the tank?

Thank you for all info
Yes, you can add anything while the damsels are in the tank, think of it as a tropical storm hitting your tank. :) It won't hurt them, it may stress them a bit but you will probably be fine. Damsels are some tough fish!

Sand depth is a matter of preference. I run a 2 inch sand bed in my main tank and a 6 inch DSB in my refuge. The 6 inch DSB will provide a location for anaerobic bacteria a place to live so they can convert nitrate to a gas that will leave your tank. Now I have also heard of some nightmares on using a DSB but in a years time I have had no problem.

Hope this helps.
here is good way to add your sand.You use bowl or big plastic measuring cup(that what I used needed it anyway for salt measurement)fill it with sand
cover it with plastic wrap insert into tank slowly uncover it.and dump into a pile.slowly spread the sand out.This will keep the sand storm to a minimum.As I was writing this maybe large zip lock bag full of sand will accomplish the same thing.Any way most damsels can survive any type of conditions.