snail biology experts question.


Reefing newb
So I'm curiouse. I have a number of Trochus Snails in my tank and when I bought them their shells were white with some black streaking. I put them in my tank and the new section of shell is growing in more of a tan with brown streaks. I'm guessing this is due to diet changes? Or is it something else? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about like I said just curiouse.
Could be diet change, could be water conditions, could just be the color of your rocks versus the color of where they came from. Could just be that is what new growth looks like and it will darken over time. As long as they are eating and moving, I wouldn't worry.
If you have any snails for a long period of time, you will see a clear delineation in their shells indicating when you added them to your tank. They are like tree rings.
Unless they are covered in Coraline! I have recently noticed a lighter area at the base of mine. I assume this is newly added shell?