Snail Poo


Let the detrivores and skimmer take care of it.Maybe the fauna(pods,bristeworms etc.) will or will not consume it.The skimmer removes the nutrients before it can breakdown into nitrates.
you can add something like stress zyme which helps brake down ammonia from poop into nitrate and then brake that down into nitrite which plants use
You got that backwards saltwater king

Ammonia gets used by bacteria and turns into nitrite and then different bacteria use the nitrite and that gets turn into nitrate.

As for useng the Stress Zyme, I have never used it. I cant say wether or not it will work
So I will just leave it be or what about vacuuming it out? I had a lot of algae now I have a lot of snail poop. All the water prams are at 0.
+1 BJ and Biff. Your algae has been eating up the nitrate (which is the end product of the Nitrogen cycle) in the water. That's why your parms are 0.
I still have some algae growing on the sand can I vacuum it out as well? It is slowly going away cause I am using a algae scrubber. The rocks are almost free of algae. so when the algae is gone the nitrate will rise?
yea, you can vaccumm it out to speed up the clean up. Gratz on the algae scrubber! It's the best thing ever.

Yea, when the algae is gone, the nitrate will accumulate. In turns, when nitrate rise, algae will come back. When you have an algae scrubber, it'll keep taking up the nitrate. Basically, instead of algae on the rocks, they are on your scrubber. So, no need to worry about them as long as you keep your scrubber clean every 7 days.