Star Polyps not opening

Live Rock

Hi everyone, my green star polyps have not opened for a couple of days, although my toadstool leather and mushrooms have been expanding just fine. Also, I have noticed a small amount of brown "dust" on the polyps. I've had the polyps for about 2 weeks. What happened?
We need more info.

Parms?! Whenever corals show any problems always test your water. Please post results. A pic of the problem coral would also help greatly.
My star's did that a few time once when I first got them. For 2 weeks they did nothing then just opened. The second time some debris was on them I cleaned it off and 3 days later they opened right up.
But also one thing I found out is that some corals are more sensitive to water change than others. As many of the corals we get and have for our tanks are from foreign sea's/oceans. Coral from Hawaii or Fiji wont be as happy in waters from the coast of Florida. I would run tests maybe something can be tweeked to make the stars happier? I myself do have some issues here and there. With my corals a lot of the time placement is big. Or where in the flow path the sit or where in the light stream. All things we can try for making these lovely organisms happy.

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Also, how close are your gsp to the leather and mushrooms? Soft corals have chemical warfare, and the gsp may be too close to the toxins of the other corals.
Also, how close are your gsp to the leather and mushrooms? Soft corals have chemical warfare, and the gsp may be too close to the toxins of the other corals.

I watched my Green Star Polyp and Brain duke it out and the green star won hands down in 3 days.
I have tried GSP in my tank twice. Both times, they just end up withering away. Never have found the culprit, since water params were spot on and all other corals thriving. IMO, some tanks just don't do well with certain types of corals. I am thinking that my tank is lacking in some trace mineral that I am not testing and the GSP just couldn't make it.
It took me 12 months of headscratching to work out why a few of my corals had suddenly started to struggle while the leather, zoas and corrallimorhs started to thrive. Actually the corrallimorph population exploded. The water was all spot on and nothing else in my set up had changed.

Then I read a book which spelt out the chemical warefare and compatible corals.

Because I love Corrallimorphs and leathers so much, and the tank has so many of them, I have all but given up on stony corals.
Something nobody has asked but what is your lighting?

My GSPs grow like weeds in my tank! I have a 150w MH on my 29G. I tried to put the GSP under 76w of CFL and they withered and died. I recently put them under some T5s and they are okay but not growing --yet.

GSPs need strong light!