Suggest a Coral Please !!!


Go Big Or Go Home !
So im looking for something that wont harm the Pink star polips since they are close to the spot.

the spot is a little ruff but mostly flat and sticks out in front of all the other rock like a ledge. its fairly flat in the center with ridges around to keep something in place.

Please give me some suggestions on a coral.

If you can please include a Picture since im not sure what some corals look like.

I was actually thinking a long tentecal plate coral but not 100%

Any help would be great.


FYI flow in that area is medium to high.
That looks to be a fair distance from your polyps from your pic. I don't see any issues with your other corals. It was just a suggestion but I do love acans as well.

Thanks, and yeah i love frogspawn, already have one do and it started out at 2 heads and now it has 4 with 2 of the heads starting to split again.

Sarah / Ted

I was looking up som Blasto and that might be a good idea. I Have seen some nice ones that i like in the past. Might be time to go Hunt one down. I would need a good size one do like atleast a fist sized one for that spot.

As far as what im looking for Its nothing really impaticular. i would prefer fomething long that will wave around in the front but it doesnt really matter to much.

mAybe ones i get my LED hopefully Soon waiting on my w2s. Then i can put a nise SPS on there.