Sump Baffles Argggghhhh!


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
So I put acrylic baffles in my 75 gallon glass sump. They have been working fine with the exception of a little bending from the water flow.

Well I had my return going at about 80% and decided to let it all the way open.

First the tank had a lot of white things in it from who knows where but then I noticed one of the baffles on the intake side(first baffle in the bubble trap) has come away at the bottom.

I decided to just get another 75 Gal glass tank and make a new one, thus avoiding a shut down of the sump.

I wanted to use glass baffles which I keep seeing is the right way to go with a glass tank.

My worry is that the glass will crack under the pressure of the water since the baffles are bending.

I know the acrylic will give but I am worried about cracking the glass.

Anyone with expertise have input on this?

I do not want to drain and reglue, I want to use glass as I keep reading to use glass in glass and acrylic in acrylic. Again my main concern is the cracking glass.

That and that I will have to start my copepod farm over booooo.
Since you have the space in the 75 gal...why don't you use both(glass and acrylic)...or else double up on the glass or acrylic. Or you might have to get a thicker piece to make baffles.
Well I am going to just buy a new 75Gal tank. I can find them for $100 it seems all around.

I am just concerned with using the glass panels and them being easily broken because of the big time pressure in the sump that is causing the acrylic to bend.

What thickness is safe on such a big sump with heavy flow on one side.