Sweet Lips?


The Great Tang Herder
Ok I know they arnt reef safe. But my question is, how long could a 4" sweet lips last in my 90 gallon tank befor it would become unhappy. (yote ) you already answered so you dont get to play. i saw one at my lfs and fell in love with her exquist beauty
I have read that they grow pretty quick as I too was trying to justify getting one a while back. I think it would be too big in less than a year.
Do you think if i feed her clams on the halfshell and some baby shrimp she would leave my cleaner crew alone:frustrat:
I want to get the spotted sweetlips and you guys know me I jump in feet first with my eyes closed. so today #2 and I are thinking about going to get the sweet lips. I just cant stop thinking about it. She is such a beautiful fish . Im even gonna put it in the 210. I have remove 3 smaller fish to mke room for her
When he outgrows my tank yote I will give it to one of the big aquariums in my town so he will be a happy camper. And if thats not an option I will invite you over for a fish BBQ
Thanks winny I will make sure it eats b4 i even think about taking her home:Cheers:... you are awsome:bowdown:
One day I plan on coming down to visit a friend of mine in st george and I wanna stop by and see your shop
i am just waiting for my buddy to get here with his truck so we can go get it i can get the tank in my truck but i still need another truck for the stand. this thing is huge.