Tank raised fish......


Reefing newb
I just read some interesting articles related to this hobby. Obviously it's a enterprise that makes 100's of millions of dollars worldwide. There are many lobbyists for this trade and respectively an equal amount against it saying it is killing reefs and sustainable habitats...

I definitely don't agree with how some fish are caught using poisons like cyanide and other stuff, but on the same token some of these fish that a caught and sold may have been food in the wild where as now they have a chance at life.

I kinda feel bad because I have had quite a few fish and a coral or 2 that has passed. I know some fish are tank raised and some corals are starting to be grown in tanks.

With that sad I do feel bad in a way but not bad enough that I would stop this hobby due to how cool and beautiful it is! I would like to do my part and start buying tank raised fish and corals but the question is.... How many of these fish can you actually breed and raise in a tank?

Just a thought....
you got a good point,like i said before the fry from tank raised fish have alot better chances of making it to adulthood then the wild ones,anymore there are alot more fish and corals that are being tank raised and there for less is taken from the wild,in some ways our tanks are better then the wild for the smaller fish but big fish belong in the ocean our tanks end up way to crowded and cause undue stress on the fish and cause a otherwise healthy fish to die
I agree. bigger fish should be able to swim freely. A lot of these baby fish dies quickly after being born in the wild anyways from predators and so on...
but you have to realize that when the fish die in the wild, they go on to feed another creature whose life depends on that. When a fish dies in our tank, we just toss them. And our removal of fish in the numbers that we do can effect the reef by removing important food sources, fish who keep the reefs from being overcome with algae or provide other important services. Also i think many many many fish die prematurely in our tanks because we cant provide them with properly sized homes, complete nutrition and the stress of being confined. They might not die from predaotration, but they are dying.

Whenever i can, i buy tank raised fish and corals. They also seem to be much hardier anyways. Im very luck to have lots of reefs who live in my area that are really into trying to raise tank raised fish and corals, so i try and support their efforts, plus then im buying locally.
i think this will be a continuing debate,because most of us would not have the fish we do unless they were taken from the wild,heck some fish have yet to breed sucessfully in captivity so there for must still be taken from the wild,so untill all fish can be bred there will always be a demand for wild caught fish,i personaly do not throw out a fish that happens to perish while in my care,it goes to feed another animal in my tank,and buying localy does not garentee the animal did not come from the wild in the first place either
Of course we will still have to buy some fish that are wild caught, we just arent that good at raising/breeding some fish, but we are making good strides.

And by buying locally, i mean my local reefers. I buy my fish from them that they have breed and raised. They have some pretty amazing setups for clowns, cardinals and someone is trying very hard to get 6 lines to adult hood.
ya, the hard part is finding the correct food for the fry to eat. Its very hard to get food small enough and in a high enough concentration with all the correct nutrients for the fry to develop correctly.
We have increasingly better knowledge on raise fly every day. More and more species are adding to the tank-raisable list, but unfortunately it is still a very short list. We are trying. :)