This is the DUMBEST thing I have ever saw

I am aware it is not supposed to be funny. My point is; by calling him a "retard" you simply sound as ignorant as you are accusing him of being. The person who set up his tank like this is not on this site, is not asking for your advice, could care less about your opinion and will never see it. Name calling, especially an offensive term like "retard" does not promote anything positive at all. It does not correct his behavior and 2 wrongs do not make a right. This forum is about our tanks and our questions and advice; not the millions of mistakes others in the world have made and calling them childish slurs.
People read these threads hoping to gain some knowledge about salt water tank set up and care; NOT to see members of this forum bash someone from another forum. Let's be better than this....
Sorry, it's just that these kind of people get me soo angry!

And if he's not going to listen people giving him usefull advice then there's no reason why he should care if we call him retarded. :12:
I could go on a pit bull care forum and post an article about some guy who mistreated his pit and was proud of it. Everyone would call the guy names and get upset.
What would be the point of any of this? It's just ugly behavior followed by more ugly behavior. Totally useless. No one learns from it, no one benefits from it.
We all know that there are animal abusers out there; there always will be. "we cannot direct the wind; we can only adjust our sails." We can only take good care of our pets and do careful research and share our experiences with others in the hobby so we can all learn....
And he may not mind being called names as he will never see it but there are plenty who read these threads who may mind the unnecessary usage of some of those awful names being thrown around. Do we really want to turn people off of this forum?
Ok, I'm done, I was just bummed to see the site I love doing this....
I could go on a pit bull care forum and post an article about some guy who mistreated his pit and was proud of it. Everyone would call the guy names and get upset.
What would be the point of any of this? It's just ugly behavior followed by more ugly behavior. Totally useless. No one learns from it, no one benefits from it.
We all know that there are animal abusers out there; there always will be. "we cannot direct the wind; we can only adjust our sails." We can only take good care of our pets and do careful research and share our experiences with others in the hobby so we can all learn....
And he may not mind being called names as he will never see it but there are plenty who read these threads who may mind the unnecessary usage of some of those awful names being thrown around. Do we really want to turn people off of this forum?
Ok, I'm done, I was just bummed to see the site I love doing this....

Doing what? Relax a little bit please if you are expecting perfection from a single site you are going to be sorely disappointed. Its talking. Its chit chat. Its a tank on another forum I am on and a perfect example of why stupidity and thinking you know it all doesnt get you anywhere.
Sarah has a very good point, names like "retard" should not be tossed around like that. We are better than that folks. He is however quite stupid and evil, so lets have no issues with calling him what he really is.
Sarah has a very good point, names like "retard" should not be tossed around like that. We are better than that folks. He is however quite stupid and evil, so lets have no issues with calling him what he really is.
Whats funny is his username is reeftard.
He's beggin for it
He is more than likely a troll, and his entire existence is to screw with people . . .

I mean I can get how someone new not knowing what they are doing would think a 55 gal is big enough for a tang, it looks big enough in comparison to the fish, but who puts 5 tangs in things as small as a 22 gal or 5 gal??
I have no doubt that people have put those fish in tanks that small, i personally have seen an 8 inch hippo in a 29 gal that looked god awful.

But i think person was just trying to rile people up.
I was guilty once of putting a yellow tang in a 55 gal. I didnt know better and I thought he was happy. When we moved and I had to break everything down, I gave him to my mom and she has a 150 gal. The difference was night and day, watching him swim back and forth across the big I know why I cant have him in a tank that small