Tubastrea Info


Reefing newb
Do Tubastrea corals function as a full organism or does each polyp require its own food source? At my work we've been getting in large Tubastreas fairly regularly and i feed them whenever i get the chance but they sell so quickly that i've never been able to see a decline in health from polyps that usually don't get fed. Everybody i've asked so far has said the polyps function as seperate organisms but nobody's been 100% and seeing as they're all connected it would seem that the coral could share nutrients across all of its polyps. All help is appreciated.
very funny. I'm here right now being very bored, its been very very slow today.

I was actually asking Epos how he got out of the store:D
He works at the same LFS that I volunteer:wink: at.

I figured with yur tanks,that you'd keep the store full of customers.Guess we all get those slow days:dunno:
Yup, you should feed each polyp. Of course, you're not going to see massive die off if a few miss a meal here or there, but over time the unfed ones will fade away.
Thanks everybody. I'm going to either have to put it out in the open or rig up some sort of airline contraption so that I can feed it once it's in the cave that I want it in.
Lol. He has to give me a few days off from time to time, I'll be back in Wednesday to drool over that Tubastrea.
If you have trouble getting them to open, cloud the area with Cyclopeze with the filter off. You may need to do this up to 3 times a day. be consistent with the time/schedule and they'll start opening fully everyday. Mine used to stay closed because of the lights but after several months of consistent feeding in this manner, they now stay open all day long and close at lights out.