unknown fish help


Reefing newb
hi i bought a fish today from the store and originally thought it was a hawkfish. now i am wondering if it is an anthias (i know big difference). i usually dont just buy a fish i don't know anything about but i asked questions at the shop and they told me it was positively a lyretail hawkfish. so i bought the fish and looked it up on the internet and found a completly different pic of a lyretail hawkfish. the fish i have is half orange on the head and the body/ tail is white with red spots. there is also a tinge of purple on the belly area. i put this fish in with the rest of my tank which are semi aggressive fish and none of the tank mates have picked on it yet. it has an anthias like body so that is what made me think of it. please email me back with what u think this fish is. i have photos but cannot load them so if you want to c them i guess you would have to email me. thanks for your help.