Urchin question


Broke Reefer!
So my big bad coral munching urchin hasn't moved in at least 5-7 days. It is usually pretty active, moving all over the tank, but its wedged itself between a few rocks and there its sat for quite a while now. I've noticed in the past it might have a day or two where its quiet and not moving much, but its never been still for this long. I don't really see spines falling off or my nassarius snails going for it, so as far as I can tell its still alive. My params are 0, 0, and 5ish, I did a 20% water change a few days ago, and haven't noticed any behavioral changes in my firefish or snails that would lead me to think there is something wrong in my tank. Salinity is stable at 1.025 and temp is steady at 79.3. Should I be worried about the urchin, or is it normal for them to go through periods where they don't move for this long?

Edited to add: The urchin is my purple short-spined pincushion urchin that I've had for almost 2 months, originally in my 90g and moved to my 10g a month ago, drip acclimated when I moved it. About a week and a half ago I had a few temp swings in my tank (got up to almost 84 during the day and dropped to 76 by the following morning) due to a hot weather and my being unprepared to properly cool the tank, then it cooling too fast at night because I had adjusted the heater down and it didn't kick in). The urchin seemed fine through those, still moving around after I got the temp stabilized, but it was shortly after that that it stopped moving.
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All you can do is watch it.If the spines start dropping,then you'll know it's probably gone belly up.
Which is usually the case when they've not moved for that long.
Watch for spine movement mine will sit in the same spot for days on end. Then I have to tap it with something and wait for the spines to move. They move and then the next day its moved somewhere else in the tank to sit for a few days. ive had mine for over a year now and its still ok and does this from time to time after a big meal.
My purple pincushion accidentally wedged itself between rocks and was stuck for a couple days. I got worried, as he's usually cruising all over the place too, so i unstuck him and relocated him, and within about 10 minutes he was back to cruising. Good luck!
He doesn't look like he's stuck, but maybe he is - I'll try moving him when I get home tonight and see if that helps - thanks!

Also, I definitely still see spine and tentacle movement, and watched him pick up a snail that crawled by yesterday, so maybe if I can unwedge him he'll be fine. And, if not, then I guess I'll just have to suck it up and put corals in my 10g instead ;)
I always worry when I don't see my urchin for a while. I get to thinking he's stuck in the rocks where I can't see him, and that he's trapped and going to die. I am such a worry wart! Glad your little guy is back to trolling for corals (even though he doesn't have access anymore....)
LOL poor guy was stuck for a week

Yeah, I kinda feel bad that I let him linger so long! lol And he was really wedged in there. I had to push him pretty hard with the end of a wooden spoon to dislodge him. He lost spines in the process, but I'm sure will grow them back with time.

And yep, Samhain, he's trollin' for coral munchies... but he's not gonna find any! LOL

Zyber, that's crazy that yours will shed spines to get unstuck - pretty cool!
Yeah, I kinda feel bad that I let him linger so long! lol And he was really wedged in there. I had to push him pretty hard with the end of a wooden spoon to dislodge him. He lost spines in the process, but I'm sure will grow them back with time.

And yep, Samhain, he's trollin' for coral munchies... but he's not gonna find any! LOL

Zyber, that's crazy that yours will shed spines to get unstuck - pretty cool!

Yeah mine is a pencil urchin it's pretty cool aside from the littering bit haha...