Water change thoughts.....


Reefing newb
I never really thought about it before, but here's a question :

If I don't top-off my tank before the water change (maybe less than 1 gallon low) and I fill the tank with new water to the full tank level, how does this affect the tank?

Mind you, this tank is small, 30g. Will the salinity grow to immense levels over time if left unchecked?

I know the water evaporates and the salt stays, but how does that combined with full water changes really affect the full tank salinity?

short answer? Yes. Only replace with new salt water the amount you take out. Then, use RO water to fill the tank to the top. Over time your salinity will get too high and start harming your livestock

Some type of mark should be made on your tank to denote the full water level and daily the water should be topped off to refill to that mark. At the least top the tank off with freshwater when you can obvouslt tell that the water level is below the mark you made.
on 30 gal the salinity could change too quickly to keep everyone happy if you go too long between water changes, definitely want to top off daily, or at least every other day at the max with fresh RO