Well My 2nd go round at reefing........going shopping

That first one you linked to,would set under the tank.So basically everything equipment wise would be in the sump,except for the powerheads.
Thanks sump meaning my over flow or refuge???....Thanks for the quick reply Im selling the 2 emperor 400 on ebay tonight and going after the refuge and a skimmer.......Now about lighting is mine ok or do I need another......also the refuge light, could it be a a desk lamp or do I need a special bulb
Thanks again
You don't NEED a special bulb PERSAY, but you'd be better off with a compact fluorescent grow bulb (lower wattage, but better growth, and can still be used in a cheap housing like a clamp or desk lamp)
:ugh: fun :grumble:...:lol:

Good man! Just remember to keep the aquarist's mantra, "God I'm an idiot! Why did I do something so :shock:"...No wait, I meant the other one :mrgreen:..."This will pay off in the long run; the more work you put in, the more you will get out of the experience."

Ok I bought some base rock do I build with it and wait to put "live rock" in when my cycle is done or do I put all my rock in and it cycles all together????......also I have a t5 ballast that holds 2 54 watt bulbs one is blue and the other is regular is this enough for reef type tank or do I buy a bigger ballast that holds more.....also I have looked at live rock around here and Im not inpressed with quality or price is there a good online site that is good at getting them to you safely
Thanks for the help so far
Just wash the sand you already have out good and reuse it.No need to buy more when you already some.
I'd also go ahead and add at some of the live rock to cycle with.But once the cycles done,you'll limited to buying live rock local,or setting up a rubbermaid tub to cure any rock you order online.