What in the world


Reefing newb
Found this in a batch of live rock that was shipped, any ideas on what it is? almost looks like it has an umbilical cord of some sort on one end of it, not sure, and it looks like a big worm too!
ok it wont let me download my pics because there jpeg so how do i change them, im quite computer illiterate! thank you
hell yeah

yeah man throw it out u ain't loosing nothing just got done cleaning my live rock cause it was foul and i eaven boiled them cause the messed my 55 gallon up and the ammo wouldn't go down and the nitrate was out of control!
so be carefull with that live rock if it got shipped and read about them cause u don't want to end up restarting from zero like i did 2 days ago and a ton of money trying to remedy the problem. good luck