What is killing all my fish

Point your powerhead (the fan like thing) towards the surface of your water until you get a nice little ripple. Also wait a few weeks before you get anymore fish and make sure your tank is the appropriate size for them. Hopefully that helps.
Point your powerhead (the fan like thing) towards the surface of your water until you get a nice little ripple. Also wait a few weeks before you get anymore fish and make sure your tank is the appropriate size for them. Hopefully that helps.
My dad said he is fixing it and is buying a new one but I will tell him
I am not sure if now my cleaner shrimp is killing them. I went down there and saw my cleaner shrimp tearing my peppermint shrimp to peices at first maybe I thought they were "mating" but then I saw he was hurting her but then the other day I saw little baby shrimps swimming around so are the males aggressive after the female gives birth
Ok, I ask because I wanted to see if it was a disease/ parasite like brooklynella. I just had many fish die quickly only to discover it was brooklynella parasite. I was only able to find out what it was because my clownfish clearly showed the sgns (shedding Mucus, struggling for air at top etc) all others just dropped died before any sign. But if your clowns look ok probably not that. I would do as the others said and WAIT. See how clowns are over the next couple weeks, test water etc. yo may have mini cycles going on. I know is is extremely hard as I have to wait another 2 months before I add fish back to my tank. Also competely agree with others HIGHLY doubt any predetors(worms, crabs etc) are killing your fish Wish you luck. keep us updated.
Also, I am not sure it got mentioned, how large is the tank? Over crowding will cause stress and aggression between tank mates.
Not saying this is what happened, but it is a possibility.
Also... if it's your tank in your profile picture you need some more rock. Or at least more places for everyone to hide.

My money at this point is on aggression. And your cleaner shrimp wouldn't eat a healthy fish.