what should I do?


they call me fish geek ;p
A couple weeks ago my clowns started hosting my plate coral. Ever since the plate coral has been shriveled up and not happy what so ever. I mean it hasn't extended at all! I tried to move it but 29 gallons is not a bunch of room and the clowns just keep hosting it..my husband says get rid of the clowns but I've had them almost a year and I'm attached. They were my first salty fish! Soo I have a the gallon that's not being used. I was going to set it up as a frag tank but now I'm thinking of setting it up and a nano reef tank so my plate coral doesn't die. Should I do it? Also if I do, do I have to wait to put the plate coral in until after the tank is done cycling? I'm not sure if that affects corals or not. I just hate to see this beautiful coral die. I want to get this coral moved ASAP bc its already been shriveled up for two weeks or so. Also what are some suggestions on a small fish I could keep in there?
I would wait to move the plate coral until after the tank cycles. In the mean time you can cover it with a strawberry basket to protect the coral. But plates are really tough corals, my shrimp have destroyed mines several times and it always comes back bigger and better than ever
I would wait to move the plate coral until after the tank cycles. In the mean time you can cover it with a strawberry basket to protect the coral. But plates are really tough corals, my shrimp have destroyed mines several times and it always comes back bigger and better than ever

Thanks Hannah, I guess I will start cycling then! I have the water in the tank already just have to get a light, powerhead and rock...oh and gravel.

Any ideas on a cute little fish?
10 gallons right?

What about one of these guys?
Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Red Striped Goby

My lfs always has them in and i think they are beyond cute!

Yea that guy is a cutie. Yea its only ten gallons. Do you think I could get away with two fish at the most in a ten gallon? My husband keeps saying you can keep three or four, one inch fish in a ten gallon but I know better lol, would two tiny fish be pushing it? I won't be adding them anytime soon just planning right now.
i've got three fish in my 10 gallon (2 clowns and a mandarin) and they all do fine, parameters are always stable and everyone/everything is healthy (corals and fish)! I just try not to over feed and have an awesome cuc and you could keep 2 or 3 :)
i've got three fish in my 10 gallon (2 clowns and a mandarin) and they all do fine, parameters are always stable and everyone/everything is healthy (corals and fish)! I just try not to over feed and have an awesome cuc and you could keep 2 or 3 :)

What does your cuc consist of? And does weekly water changes of 20% sound like a good schedule to keep the params stable?
i have about 10 blue leg hermits, 5 nassuaris snails (sorry for the spelling) 4 astrea snails, a turbo snail, and a skunk shrimp. i had an emerald crab at one point to take care of bubble algae but then he started eating my corals so i got rid of him. as far as water changes i do a 2 gallon water change every week but there are some weeks where i skip it (i haven't done a water change in 2 and a half weeks now and everyone is happy and growing) the biggest thing i think is to not over feed. at first i was feeding to much and then i would have die offs. i feed every day now but skip a day once or twice a week and make sure everything is eaten to fine tune how much i give them.
Wow that's quite the cuc lol well I set the tank up and I think ill be ordering the light tomorrow and getting a couple peices of live rock. For now I have a submersible filter running just to move the water around till I can get a powerhead.
Also what are some suggestions on a small fish I could keep in there?

Oooh! Ooooh! Flaming Prawn Goby!

Not cheap, hard to find, and truly a pico fish, maxing out at 1.5-2 inches. I was thinking of putting one in my 50 back when it was up, but it's really too small a fish to be appreciated in a tank that size. Blue Zoo gets them in occasionally, but that's the only reputable site I've seen featuring them. Never seen it crop up in DD either. I think some LFS's might be able to special order one, but that's going to add to the already hefty price tag ($100-150).

But that and a shrimp to pair it with would be perfect for a 10, perhaps with one other swimmy, non-bladderless fish for movement in the rest of the tank. Plus then I can live vicariously through you! :D
Lol sorry but I won't be getting that fish. That's out of my budget for sure! Lol and if it were to get sick and die...I'd be so mad. I already had that happen with a blue spotted jawfish. I'm prlly never gonna spend 100 on a fish again. But that goby sure is remarkable