What to do next? I think my tank is cycled...

Yeah,You probably wouldnt want to put a tang in a 50.Most tangs are better suited for 100+ tanks.
There are some great wrasses that would do great in your tank though.Then theres clowns,gobys,I personally like the dwarf angels like the flame and coral beauty.
you could do a lionfish in a 50 if you just had the lionfish. They totally ignore corals, but will devour any shrimp in your tank. Look to do some medium sized fish, maybe 4-5 inches long. Yellow coris wrasses are the same brilliant yellow as yellow tangs, but don't need as much room. Maybe purple firefish, diamond goby, even anthias would be OK in a 50. lots of options, start looking. Yote is right, avoid tangs.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I went through liveaquaria.com and picked out some fish that I liked, and seemed like they would be fairly compatible? But i'll take your guys word for it, Here is a few I liked:
Royal Gramma
Six Line Wrasse
Fridmani Pseudochromis
Flame Hawksfish
and maybe 2 little clowns

What you guys think?
the fish list seems ok, although you will be pushing your stocking limit to add them all. Don't add more than one a week, starting with the least aggressive.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
all those fish should get along with soft corals and my cleaner shrimp right? I love my little shrimp, my damsels were devouring all the food I dropped in, so i just stuck my hand down there and hand fed him! hes so awesome!
If you don't have a skimmer, plan for about 5 gallons per 1 inch of fish, so you are looking at about 10 inches total. if you have a skimmer, you can push it to 12-14 inches. The longer your tank is up, the more "seasoned" it is and you have add an inch or two. Mind you, there is a huge difference between 6 1 inch fish and 1 6 inch fish from a waste standpoint. Plan for the eventual growth of the fish before you add them. Even though your clown may only be 1 inch, he will grow to be 3-4 inches. Your list will get along just fine with what you already have. You will have to get rid of those damsels tho, or you lose 5 inches of your fish total there.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Yeah I made a trap, im waiting to get up for sump first before i try to get them, so they have a place to go till I can figure out what to do with them. Can you help me figure out how to start this thing up? In my filter questions thread I need a little bit more help to get it up and running...
I think reef explained the sump way better than I could. IF the DIY route is not for you (like it is for me), they are not too terribly expensive to purchase one pre-made with baffles, overflow box and the lot.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
once you have the sump under the tank and the plumbing from the overflow box and return pump and hose, you are ready to go. Just hook up the overflow box to the back of the tank, attach the hoses to the overflow box and run them into the sump (where you attach the filter bags), place the return pump into the opposite end of the sump and run the return hose into the back of the tank. Mine has a difuser on the end of the hose so the water is spread out into the tank on return. Once that is done, suck water through some airhose into the "u-shaped" pipes into the overflow to creat current and your sump fills. Wait for a minute to make sure that the sump can handle the water and them plug in your return pump and viola!!!! sump party started. Hmmmm, after reading this mess, it may be a bit confusing, let me throw in a few illustrations as to what I mean. It may be a bit more helpful.


Overflow box


plumbing from box to sump


plumbing into sump


return pump at opposite end of sump


hose going back to tank


hanging over the tank bringing water flow back in


ending in my difuser.

Hope that made sense, you may now press the "thanks" button several times for all that work. :bounce:

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Lol thanks! Alright I just wasnt sure if I should fill my sump up completely or not, or how full to make it, I ended up filling all the compartments except the pump section, that I filled to about 3" over the pump inlet, so, should I start my overflow and let it start filling, and then as soon as the water starts going start the pump? I got my skimmer doing already under there! I cant wait till bedtime when all is quiet and see how much quieter this new coralife super skimmer is.
just make sure there is enough room left in the sump to catch all the overflow from the tank. In fact, turn off your return pump to guage how much water you need to keep in the sump to make sure you have enough room. Mine fills to about 2 inches from the top when the return pump is off before the overflow box levels out.

One more thing. Make sure you make a small hole with the tip of a knife about 2 inches above the difuser going into the tank from the sump. Just big enough to go all the way into the plastic, but not all the way through. that will break the suction from the water when the power goes out or else the water won't stop at the overflow box but will keep draining out from the difuser into you sump, overflowing it badly. Good luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Man, i am getting MASS bubbles into my display... The water in the first chamber is going over the first baffle like its supposed to, then its supposed to go under the 2nd, but its not, its overflowing over the 2nd baffle... should I move my little mesh bubble trap stuff to between the 2nd and 3rd baffle to allow more water to go through the first one easier?
Anyone got any recommendations? I dunno what to do now, im getting 10x the bubbles I was with my old setup... I could stop it all and drain it and add another baffle I guess? any other simpler ideas?