Where did my horseshoe crab go??


Reefing newb
Have one, named Sholtz. he has been missing for about a week and 1/2. How long will they stay hidden. I feed him a nice piece of shrimp just before he vanished. Is he ok? I hope he didn't get stuck in the rocks????!!!
First of all A Horseshoe in a 45 (Going off what your sig says)?? And second he is most probably burrowed into your sand. but i recommend you get rid of him he is not best suited in a tank that small!
They can quickly outgrow a tank for one. They can get to well over a foot across.

Also, they are voracious eaters and will quickly starve to death once all the food is gone.
I suspect he is probably dead, they most often starve to death in our systems. They need at least 10 sq ft of open sandbed. If you are luck he is just under your rocks looking for food, if you are even luckier he will not cause an avalanche when he emerges.

check out that thread, it pretty much sums up everything we can tell you about it... sadly he's either dead or dying :( horseshoes belong in the ocean :(

The problem with horseshoe crabs is their size, they can grow super quickly and a 45gl tank won't be able to suffice the food that it'll need to last too long. Make sure you start feeding him things like shrimp or even some meaty fish and then either find a new LFS that is actually knowledgeable about their critters and take the horseshoe back to them OR find someone with a large enough tank to properly maintain them....

basically their dietary needs can't be met in any tank... they can wipe out any and all of their food sorces super quickly... if they DO manage to stay alive in a larger aquarium you will have an instant tank bulldozer.. they will turn over everything without trying...

Most horseshoe crabs of the 4 species all reside in cooler water temps-not equal to the norm of our tropical reefs.... the temp alone can alter the behavior and change the lifespan of the crabs... in fact, 2/4 of the species are protected by law currently to prevent people from over harvesting them or bringing them into the hobby (they are also used to catch eels for the sushi trade). These guys aren't even really a true crab... they (like hermit crabs) are related to spiders, ticks, and all those creepy aracnids.

another fun fact-horseshoe crabs blood has copper in it naturally. They have hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin and if bit/cut open the blood can release the copper compound into your tank-taking out your inverts.... really thats the only complain I have with the horseshoe crabs info in the database, these guys won't be affected by copper because its a trace element in their bloodstream.... its ranges from about 50 to 70% a liter in their blood.

at the aquarium we try to not keep these guys at all because of how delicate they are- Even though we are a great functioning aquarium there are some things we believe are just better off left in the wild. These guys just aren't made for our home aquariums, they are not easy to take care of no matter what anyone says! lol.