Why do all my Emerald crabs die?

UPDATE: I added 2 more Emerald crabs today but did a 3 hour drip as acclimation. Upon release they immediately began munching on the reef.

Fast forward about 2 hours later after I ran a couple errands: Floating in the breeze of my K3 was 4 crab legs and a little flesh, just blowing in the wind. :frustrat:

I suspect the Banded Coral shrimp. Nobody else in there that could do that. Not the Royal Gramma, right?

Maybe the BCS got to one of them before they picked out a familiar hiding spot.


You sure you dont have a mantis shrimp hiding in there? You ever here any popping of clicking sounds coming from your tank?

If not my money would be on the banded shrimp. How big is he?
I dont know that even a CBS that size could take out an emerald.But I get surprised every day by something.
I dont know that even a CBS that size could take out an emerald.But I get surprised every day by something.

Yote, these Emeralds are dime-sized so I think it's feasible. :12:

Anyone know a trick to catch a BCS?

If they are tiny emeralds, the shrimp could definitely be the culprit. But I'm not sure the shrimp would have taken out all of them!

Agreed. I'll keep an eye out late nights when the lights are out and see if I can spot any of the ones presumed "dead". Who knows.......
