

Reefing newb
What are the worms that throw out a "web" in the aquarium? They have a hard tube and don't come out of the tube like featherdusters, but they have what looks like a web strung out to catch food.

possibly - TEREBELLIDAE SPECIES - Spaghetti worms - Body about 12" long in a large species, tentacles may extend another 36". Most aquarium species are less than 1" long. - range all seas - small tanks, 10 gal or larger are acceptable, lighting is immaterial, feed on particulate organic material, detritus, good scavengers, easy to maintain and harmless. These tube building polychaetes have a body that is almost never seen, with a telltale crown of unbranched long, thin feeding tentacles, colored wihite, tan, or gray. When feeding, these cryptic animals extend their tentacles - resembling overcooked vermicelli noodles-over the substrate. These worms live in tubes secreted between or under rocks, in rock cracks or crevices, or in sediments. They are good at collecting and removing small particulate debris from rocks, particularly from crevices and small cavities. Hermit crabs and other crabs, some shrimps, some whelks, and numerous fishes, such as many wrasses and some butterflyfishes, prey on them.

Wow! I have a few of those. I thought they were bristle worms. I guess I need to see a pic of a bristle worm now.
Here is a pick of a Bristle worm...
