Xenia and lobo


Sausage Wrangler
I got a super cool lobo with a few little xenia on it yesterday. I put them in my tank around three or so and they were very happy until lights out around eight. (The xenia was already open and waving around). This morning, our of the three xenia stalks only one tiny one was on the rock. The rest were nowhere to be found. And the lobo doesn't look so hot either...
Any ideas?
I had read that sometimes they don't get along with stony corals.
I just figured since they were on the same rock at the store they'd be alright together. Not a good idea now, I see.
Dammit. Every time I get something cool it never lasts... and when I checked the lobo just now he's definitely gone. Snotting all over the place. :(
He was so cool...
I havent had good experience with xenia. But they died for misterious reasons. This happens to a lot of people. I say they have 50% survival rate. But I woudldn't advise getting more.