Yellow Clown Goby hybrid?


I know that I don't know
We were at LFS for filters today and saw what said was yellow clown goby. I could not get picture of it.
Here is description:
Looks like yellow clown goby,

but with orange dots along the dorsal fin in a line.
orange and white stripes through his black eye
orange on his fins like an outline.

He looks so cool, but I left him there for now.

Could he be a hybrid? Do they do that, breed hybrids?

no he is more similar to the citrinis but no blue and no lines. Orange dots along back just below his dorsal fin. The stripes like the citrinis but orange and white with black eye. Stripes only up and down like they are straight thru the eye.
He must be unique in the least.
I suspect its just another species of goby they are calling a yellow clown goby, hybrids are extremely rare in the trade and usually fetch huge prices