Yellow Watchman Goby aggressive???


Reefing newb
Hey all,

I just put a yellow watchman Goby (adult -- approx 4 inches long) and a juvenile ocellaris Clown fish (1 inch long) into my tank. The Goby went in a few days before the clown. It has been about a week since both fish were in the tank and I am now noticing the Goby snaps at my clown and the poor little clown isn't even close to him. What is his problem?

I feed pellets and flakes 2 times per day.
I have plenty of hiding places and cool caves for the Goby to hide in. The clown doesn't go near those places.
I have a 12 g Nano.

Any thoughts? I can't find another thread with a semi-aggressive YWG.


Each fish in an individual and your goby just doesnt like the clown going into what he feels is his territory. Clowns are an aggressive fish though and should be fine
Thanks for the input. I guess I am just a new aquarist who freaks out over every little thing. It's kinda like being a new parent.... but not really.