zebra mantis shrimp


Octopus Wizard
so i know the basiac mantis thing. there are hammers and spears. hammers can be kept with fish, spears can be kept with nothing. and they have very big nitrate tolerance anything else i need to know for care?
Winyfrog would probably know the most information, unless you want to catch it and kill it. Then it's yote! :)

I don't know Jack about those evil things.
From what I've read, hammers find caverns in the rock and expand them when needed.

Also, I wouldnt trust a mantis in with fish even if it is a hammer. They are still fast and agile and can probably take out almost any fish you put in with them.

I tried keeping a wolf eel and he ate a couple of my fish,:pooh: my wife wont let me even attempt to keep a fish that mite even look at another fish like a cheese burger.:mrgreen: Plus I heard that a mantis can break glass. Me coming home to find my tank shattered and fish lieing on the carpet is not a pretty picture.:frustrat:
When it comes to a mantis,the only difference between em is how the catch their food.The hammer types can and will go after a fish when they get hungry enough.
Both will lay your hand wide open.
But they are a cool critter to keep.I kept one with a seahorse for a while.Finally decided to trade him off after I became to comfortable hand feeding him.
Mantis are super friendly, the spearing mantis is alot more shy and tend to stay hidden most of the time.

Hammer mantis the peacocks are the best looking for colors, they are super friendly.
I would not keep anything with them they will take an opportunity and eat others, as well your fish that was in the tank would never relax due to the predator that lives there with him.

Adult "hammer" mantis can crack glass (yes its happened to me) younger one's usually are not strong enough.

Care is pretty easy they don't demand to much only some caves (depending on which type) and they love to eat crab.