Zoas almost dead (other corals just fine)

There are some sponges that look like that.But they normally stay on the back side or under the rock out of the light.

I have tons of these sponges growing under my rock. The most likely culprit though I think is the bacterial infection "zoa pox". The infection spread progressively from one end of the zoa's base rock to the other which is consistent with an infection. But I can't be sure becuase the big touted cure, FURAN-II, did nothing. I'm going to try a better bulb (150 watt 14K Phoenix), put a very small zoa frag right under the light and get the right flow on them.

This may sound newbish but I am beginning to accept our hobby will have some unexplained losses.
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Thats the only that is 100% in this hobby.There are going to be losses,and some expensive losses at that.

If its a bacterial infection,you might try moving the zoos into a QT and try a stronger anti-bacterial medication.
At this point,I dont see that you have anything to lose except the cost of the meds.
[FONT=&quot][/FONT] [FONT=&quot]You can try and use airline tubing to siphon off the dead/necrotic tissue. Then, depending on the severity of the infection, you may decide to try giving the coral a bath with a Lugols Iodine solution like TM Pro Coral Cure or similar product. The iodine will act as an antiseptic and hopefully prevent the spread of the tissue necrosis.[/FONT]