Hi Newbie SW


Reefing newb
Hello, got an invite to this site. Won't mention names just in case :D

Have a unique project, attempting a Reef tank in a Aussie wall Tank, approx 9 gals.
Dem. are 44Lx15Hx3.25 W. I have decided to go with a canister set-up with The Ehiem, not sure of model yet 2211 or the New 2236, advice? My concern here has been flow rate. With this narrow tank and only, (with sand and LR about 7 gal), of water anything over 60L/h is going to be to rapid and harsh for anything!

Also, this tank is maintaining 74 degrees without heater or Lights! Plan on raising lights today. Going to hang the Coralife so it is adjustable with weather.

I plan to also put in an in-line UV system http://www.petmountain.com/show_product/11442-572103 , and an in line heater for insurance and space Hydor ETH External Thermal Heater - In Line Heater. I'm also going to purchase an RO/DI system. I'm looking at this one; BRS 4 Stage Value PLUS RO/DI System - 75GPD. However think there are similar systems for less from a vendor other then BRS. Any suggestions?

All suggestions will be appreciated keep in mind here where talking NANO.

Also, being an injured man I have lots of time, not to much cash, but want to do this right. I know it can be done.


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Guys and Gals will one of these goby's life in my tank with added feedings?

Nemateleotris Purple Fire goby or this guy Ptereleotris Flagtail dartfish

Also, want to have a clown of course :) and maybe Seahorse, Don't plan on many fish, a couple 3, some soft corals, and crusty's Peppermintshrimp :)

Wow, I think I see a small aiptasia already. Only, the third day of cycle. Tiny clear looking arms with white tips?
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That small of a tank fish are going to be hard to find and you will have to be happy with one. I had a clown goby in my 10 gallon that was a very cool fish. Very nice bright yellow color and a lot of personality. Stay away from sea horses they are very difficult to care for and really need to be in a species tank. If you have to have horses you need to start reading about them.
Hello and welcome, looks like a very cool tank. I have never had seahorses, wanted to, but to be done properly they need their own proper tank. I had a goby and pistol shrimp that were lots of fun and lived together, they would be ok in there and would be fun to watch.
Welcome fellow golfer...lol. Glad you came to join. Sounds interesting and cant wait to see it come together. Lots of knowledgable folks on here that can save you many headaches down the road. Theres no such thing as a stupid question so feel free to fire away. Sometimes the tiniest things have the largest unintended consequences. We'll do our best to point you in the right direction.
Hello and welcome! The thing with the white tips sounds like a ball nem, which are harmless hitchhikers.

I would skip the canister filter. They really aren't much use in saltwater. Your most important source of filtration comes from your live rock. I would also skip the UV filter, doesn't do much but waste your money.

The gobies (which is what I am assuming your are talking about) will do just fine as long as they are eating frozen foods.
Can you post a link to those fish? If they are what I think they are, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to keep them them. I would think they are great beginner fish
Welcome fellow golfer...lol. Glad you came to join. Sounds interesting and cant wait to see it come together. Lots of knowledgable folks on here that can save you many headaches down the road. Theres no such thing as a stupid question so feel free to fire away. Sometimes the tiniest things have the largest unintended consequences. We'll do our best to point you in the right direction.

How you doin Salty just ordered my Ehiem 2213 and in line UV sterilizer and in line heater. I've decided to go in-line b/c of space. Can use advice on clean up crew and stocking. :frustrat: Was told I can't have these guys and was planing on it :sad:
Can someone give me the details on these. Stichodactyla mertensii, specifically how small can you get them, how fast do they grow and how hard are they to move?

I realize with this tank dimensions most everything will out grow it. So I want to be able to manipulate, move to clean, take back to LFS, trade whatever. I realize they are delicate and don't like to be moved but they do have to be sold and moved..right!
Don't put any fish in your tank that you don't intend it to be its permanent home, for one, most people don't recognize the signs of stress in fish until they are dead. Two, it is really hard to remove a fish once it is in the tank already. I think the purple fish fish (as most people call them) will do fine in that tank long term, they don't move around much.

Also remember that you are limited to one or two fish in this tank, so pick wisely!

For corals, they are usually sold as small frags so they will have plenty of time to grow until you decide to frag them yourself.
Stichodactyla mertensii is a huge anemone....3 footer! If you want to keep nems they need to be put into a well established tank. Preferably a year or older. Need stable water conditions. If you still want to keep a carpet nem look into mini or maxi mini anemones stichodactyla tapetum. minis are only a couple inches across and my maxis got to be 6-7 inches across. My avatar is one of my maxis....cool nems!
Hi again ladies and germs. Tank is on its 4 day of cycle, is there any good sound preventative prep I can do for the tank? Don't care alot for chemicals but it looks like in the SW world I'm going to need an adjustment in my thinking here. I am told this is a good thing Bio-Spira?
There is very little use of chemical additives in saltwater. In some tanks you have to dose some trace elements because the corals use them up faster than you be reasonably expected to do water changes.

There is nothing to do but research while you wait, which is a good thing. The more knowledge you have, the better. Plus nothing good happens fast in a saltwater tank.