27 cube? I think yes!

Yes I will be removing the chromis. That's why I said they are just to make sure everything is ready to go and everyone will survive
No. Have you watched the videos? After it cycles I'm going to put in the chromis as a test. I don't want to lose around 400-500 bucks worth of stuff again like I did when I set up my 75 and the tank recycled
Just bought about 7 pounds of live rock. Need votes here. Should I continue making videos for the updates for you guys. Or just go back to pictures?
Too be honest, i like the stills, just because you have so much more time to appreciate, and the picture is not going anywhere! :D
Just bought about 7 pounds of live rock. Need votes here. Should I continue making videos for the updates for you guys. Or just go back to pictures?

I prefer pics mostly and an occasional full tank video ONLY if the person has a still hand and doesnt talk the whole time during it.

I like a cool song and a nice smooth visual. But thats just me
lol. I think when I have a lot to update you guys on I am going to do videos. But the majority of the time it will be just pictures.

Amber, were my videos shaky? I am going to have to watch them again
Wow, they were really shaky! The videos I took of my 75 were as still as a concrete parking lot compared to those 2 videos. Well when I get a bunch of corals and fish, I will take a couple videos.
So everyone. A couple days ago I bought 7 pounds of LR and put it in the tank. Also. I bought a cycling supplement. It's called Dr. Tim's One and Only. I bought a 2 ounce bottle because it is supposed to treat 30 gallons. I dumped in the whole bottle. Oh I forgot to mention. I also got a bottle of their ammonia solution. It's made to dose ammonia into the tank to feed the bacteria you put in from the One and Only product. So far it is working great. Last night at about 10 pm I dosed enough of the ammonia to bring it to 4 ppm. This morning when I woke up I tested again. And it is already down to about .5 ppm. Once it drops everything to 0 I will dose more ammonia to get to about 2 ppm just to test and make sure the cycle is finished. So hopefully by next weekend i will be putting in the first inhabitants.
Well I decided to make another video update. So here it is.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MvQdlPQ-Ok&feature=youtube_gdata_player]27 Cube Day 8: Cycle is Nearing the End - YouTube[/ame]
First picture was taken on 12-3-11
Second was taken on 12-22-11


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Yeah, I am going to do that today. I was leaving it to see if it would just die off on it's own. But it's been long enough.