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  1. J

    Anemone ?

    I have had my anemone for about 3 weeks now and it seems to be moving around alot. It cant seem to find the right place in the tank and i will find it upside down and inflating alot. Is this normal? Thanks, J
  2. J

    Nitrate High

    My skimmer broke a few weeks ago and I am waiting for a part, my only filtration at this point is my sump. My nitrate levels were at zero now they bumped up to around 20, everything else is fine at this point. Other than a partial water change is there anything else I can do to lower that? THanks, J
  3. J

    1st Time Coral?

    I am currently running a 55 gallon tank with 75lbs of rock, sump/skimmer, 2 powerheads, sufficeint lighting. I am looking to try out some inexpensive soft corals for the first time. Any suggestions on what would be a good starter for my setup?
  4. J

    UV Sterilizer?

    I have a 55 gallon reef system with sump and skimmer and was thinking about adding a sterilizer. I was told that since I have live rock that a sterilizer would be pointless. Feedback needed. Thanks, J
  5. J

    Live Rock ?

    I have about 75lbs of rock in my 55 gallon and was wondering if there is anything I can add to the water besides Calcium to mature the rock.
  6. J

    Aquarium Sites?

    Anyone know of any good sites for purchasing equipment? Im looking for a sump for a 55 gallon tank. Any suggestions for filtration for a tank that is not drilled?
  7. J

    Catching Damsels?

    I put a few damsels in my tank for my first cycle, I am looking to get rid of them. Any tips for catching these little bastards? I Tried the net and that doesn't seem to work. I am looking to put some non agressive fish in the tank and want to get rid of them. Any suggestions?
  8. J

    Coralife Super Skimmer

    Does anyone have experience with this skimmer? I am having a problem with the white pads that the water goes out, it seems to over flow. How many of these pads should I be using? It seems to bubble if I put half the pad in and overflow if I put the whole pad in.
  9. J

    Newbie ?

    I am currently running a Protein skimmer and two powerheads with 60lbs of live rock in a 55 gallon tank. The guy at the local store convinced me that I need something stronger to turn my water over and that the protein skimmer was not adequate. I bought a canaster filter just to turn the water...
  10. J

    Tank smells like Sh*t

    I am almost done my first cycle and just added a protein skimmer, for some reason when you walk in the house it smells like a mound of shit. Anyone ever have this problem and what can I do. thanks, J
  11. J

    Wet Vs. Dry Skimming

    Could someone explain to me the difference and what you prefer. Thanks, J
  12. J

    Filters/ Protein Skimmers

    Could someone explain to me the difference between a skimmer and filter? I am currently doing fish only, I eventually want to do coral later down the road. Do I need both?
  13. J


    How long should I wait for my tank to cycle? Also should I not do water changes while cycling? Thanks, J
  14. J

    Newbie Obsessed

    Hey everybody, I have had a 55 gallon Saltwater tank for about three weeks now and it is taking control of my life slowly. I have been doing alot of reading and am getting educated on the whole ecosystem. Here is my setup so far, let me know if you can point out some obvious mistakes. I started...