Tank smells like Sh*t


Reefing newb
I am almost done my first cycle and just added a protein skimmer, for some reason when you walk in the house it smells like a mound of shit. Anyone ever have this problem and what can I do. thanks, J
The gunk that the skimmer collects smells like crap. Especially if your tank just finished cycling. Empty it down the drain and pour some lemon juice or bleach down after it, it should get better. Good luck!
if it is the skimmer, you can place some pellet charcoal in a sock/filter bag and lay it on top of the skimmer cap to obsorb the smell. actually I would make a 2nd cap with a grid in the bottom and put the carbon there so I could remove it and change it out when depleted. hope you get the idea maybe something here helps. good luck.
Good suggestion jhnrb, My 80 didnt smell too good at first but that was at first and i spiked the ammonia hard, uncooked shrimp style. If you are at the end of your cycle i cant thing of much, your collection cup on your skimmer does have a lid over it right?
When I cycled my tank it smelled bad for a few.I kept cleaning the gunk build up in the collector every few days to keep the smell down. Good luck.