1st SW fish (clownfish) tomorrow!


Reefing newb
So, I have the BioCube 29 and have read 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 10 nitrates for a little while. I got around 20 pounds of live rock that was well established from the LFS for initial set up, which I think helped the process.

I also got the inTank media baskets and took out the BioBalls. I put the filter floss, purigen, chemi-pure in the first media basket last night and chaeto will be on the way tomorrow for the fuge basket. Water is very clear, tests are all good. So... I think we're going to pick up a pair of small clownfish tomorrow. Give them about a week or so, testing the water the whole week... if it stays stable, look into some polyps and a fire shrimp for next weekend.

I'm pretty excited to have my first SW fish. Anything I should look out for or be aware of?
Look for fish that are bright eyed and active, but not breathing heavily. They shouldnt have any spots on them or tears in their fins. Look for fish that are acting normal. Also be sure that you see them eat before they leave the store. Dont buy into any bs about how they were just feed or they dont have anything to give them.

Wohoo! Got to love new fishies, especially the first!
so... they are in the tank, swimming around silly happy... eating and playing around. Acclimated very well. I'll post a pic when I get a chance.
Couple random cell pics!


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Be sure to spent lots of time in front of the tank, they will get to know you and watch how they respond to you, you'll find yourself talking to them...just wait and see. Good luck, looks great
I sit on the couch to the left of the tank (left as if you were the tank), and the clownfish come up and swim by my elbow... for hours on end lol. They're still "afraid" when I open up the lid, but that'll go away