35 gallon


Starting up a new 35 gallon tank. Just wondering if you guys have any good suggestions for the filtration. Trying to stay away from drilling this tank. Were looking to have both reef and fish. The tank has a bio-wheel on it. Apparently was a saltwater tank before. Looks pretty rough:pooh:. Pretty confused at where to start at this point.
Also wondering how many pounds of aragonite would give me a good base. Looking to go somewhere around 3-4 inches in depth.
Thanks! :Cheers:
howdy , i'm sure the "gurus' will tell you to do a sump/refuge with 50-60 pounds of live rock in the main tank.also i'm sure they will hook you up with the proper amount of substrate.
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I have a 37 gal tank, with no sump. Lots of live rock, good flow, and a hang on back protein skimmer is all I have for filtration.