45G FOWLR Stocking


Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish
What would be the maximum number of fish (medium - sized, say avg. 2") for a 45 gallon (high) FOWLR setup ? I would guess about six, does that seem right ? I'm thinking in terms of clowns and damsels and maybe a wrasse.
+1 Kelz

The general rule is one fish per 10 gal. Once the tank has been set up for at least a year it may be mature enough for another fish.
Also keep in mind that your stocking is determined by swimming room, not just gallons. Long tanks have more swimming room than tall tanks. Fish don't swim up and down, they swim back and forth. Since you have a tall tank, your stocking limit will be even lower. :(
Also keep in mind that your stocking is determined by swimming room, not just gallons. Long tanks have more swimming room than tall tanks. Fish don't swim up and down, they swim back and forth. Since you have a tall tank, your stocking limit will be even lower. :(

Yes, I am aware of that fact that the fish require adequate horizontal swimming room. But that varies with the species of fish, i.e. tangs require a lot of horizontal area for swimming, much more than my little tank has. Changes in the number of fish do not decrease the swimming room as long as the fish share the space well. I do not intend to keep anything much but small-to-medium sized clowns & damsels and the like. I am actually looking for a number, or range of numbers.