6 gallon nano cube


Hey, hows it going? Just bought a little 6 gallon nano. I was just wondering about the filter system. I know its the 3 stage like bio cube. Still a little confused. If anyone could give me a quick run through, that would be great. Thanks:Cheers:
If it's like the biocubes then you have the water going thru filter trays( one on the top and one on the bottom) chamber one which is just filter cartridge, chamber 2 is where you put your bioballs, and chamber 3 is a sponge at the bottom and then your return pump. Here's a pic of all of this. hope this helps. lil matty


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If it's like the biocubes then you have the water going thru filter trays( one on the top and one on the bottom) chamber one which is just filter cartridge, chamber 2 is where you put your bioballs, and chamber 3 is a sponge at the bottom and then your return pump. Here's a pic of all of this. hope this helps. lil matty

Stop stealing pics lol
Alright. So i just don't understand if I need a carbon filter and where it goes. Sorry I'm sure these are rediculous questions
no, in most sm all tanks someone will run carbon for a short amonut of time like 4 days a month to remove impurities. most of your filtration will be your live rock. a skimmer is not necessary but you must keep up with waterchanges. you can remove bioballs and add live rock there little pieces. bioballs collect debris and cause water quality issues
Lol. Like in the diagram at the top. My bio cube has a sponge that sits in between the two chambers. Just wondering if the systems have the same setup there too. I'm sure these are the most lame questions. Thanks tho