7.5g Deep Blue Rimless aka mistress jr


Reef enthusiast
Hello, everyone finally making a showcase. Bought this off a local reefer who was getting out and thought it was an outstanding deal. slowly changing it over to a zoa garden with a few lps and some nice sps. downgraded from a deep blue 57g rimless(7.5 is easier and cheaper to fill stock)Equipment and dry goods:
7.5g Deep Blue rimless 12"x12"12"
Reef Breeders dimmable value LED (first true led) love them
Aquaclear 20 has tbsp of carbon and gfo in a mesh bag.
Koralia Pico PH
hydor 50w heater (need something smaller)
do weekly 1.5-2g WC.
no skimmer because of the WCBlue legged hermits
asteria snails
20 zoas
5 sps
5 lps


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moving the tank was easier than a water change on the bigger tank. lol all i did was scoop out 15-20 cups of water into a 5g bucket then place all the rock and coral into the bucket and moved it to the car. then picked up the tank with 3-4" of water and sand and placed into the car. got everything else into the car and brought her to the new house. and setting back up was a breeze. it was harder getting the mount for the light then the whole move. lol
equipment is just a koralia pico in the right top corner and a aquaclear 20 with brs carbon and gfo. plan on doing the same maintenance routine which was a gallon water change weekly and cleaning the bag of carbon and gfo while replacing with the recommended amount which is 1 tbsp of carbon and gfo.
yea right now my big tank is cloudy then a blizzard with no headlights driving 90mph down the road. close your eyes and picture that and you'll see my tank. lol not behaving right now is what i'm saying.

update tho. got a 3-4" clam, red planet, dlue digi, and some goblin fire zoas. price FREE can't beat that. pics to come soon. lol
already an update for the tank. got some more coral thanks to redman and nanojosh. everything is looking good right now. here are the pics.
red planet

goblin zoa?

my new prized possession clam. anyone know what kind?

now some top down shots

love the new leds that came with this tank


