am i horrible?


aspiring reefer
i just moved all the rocks around in my tank after i got some new mushrooms.
i feel horrible! did all that moving stir up ammonia, harm animals in the sand.. and mess things up? should i just leave the rocks the way they are now (even though i dont like them... :disappoin)
every time i change things i feel like i messed up.
breathe ben...
heres the new setup, is it horrible!?


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hurting animals. is ammonia a problem with moving everything around?
im just so new with it all i get so nervous/stressed!
I dont think your tank is old enough to have a serious amount of crap in the sand bed that moving stuff around would cause an ammonia spike.

But if you are worried test your water and make up some water just incase you do see a mini cycle

And its ok to be scared! You will get it figured out!
It looks good to me...there is no wrong or right way to aquascape...and trust me, you'll re-arrange your rocks again, several more times...we've all done it. :)
thanks again for the encouragement. i tested the ammonia today, i was up a little so i didn't feed the animals. the mushroom i added wont attached and i dropped it trying to glue it on a rock! ahh no good.. ill take biffs advice now and put him in a cup with rubble and see if that does the trick.

at least...

your ric didn't float up into the water column and while trying to catch it slips right threw your fingers and follows the current right into your 1200GHP powerhead!!! XD And a 2nd one decided to just detach its self and I'm assuming had the same fate =*(

but yeah, they will attach themselves to something in a few days if you just put a cover over it (like a cut off bottle top) so it gets no flow. You want it to be clear tho so it still gets light to it.
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ahh man those are crazy stories. i cant believe your clown survived that dennis!
i guess everything will be ok then =]