Behind door # 1 is ?????


Reefing newb
this is kinda fun now that my tank is growing stuff........ok what is this ???? It is fuzzy looking and deffinatly growing....

Sorry the pictures stink I am trying to talk my husband into a new digital camera ......either that or a 125gal..........


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thats my theory ..I have to re-seal my 90gal I am trying to convince him that a 125 would make an excellent anniversary gift.......i am slowly breaking him down......:p

If he's a DIY kinda guy, give him a project for the tank. My husband was 100% disinterested when I first started w/ a 45g, then I gave him the task of building me a new tank stand....1 year later, I have a 125g, with a custom built stand, which sits on a newly placed linolieum floor specifically fr the tank, and the entire utility room as my sump room :D

If he's a not a diy guy....just wear him down ;)
If he's a DIY kinda guy, give him a project for the tank. My husband was 100% disinterested when I first started w/ a 45g, then I gave him the task of building me a new tank stand....1 year later, I have a 125g, with a custom built stand, which sits on a newly placed linolieum floor specifically fr the tank, and the entire utility room as my sump room :D

If he's a not a diy guy....just wear him down ;)

no he is not a DYI kind of guy I will have to wear him down ......I got him interested in the hobby by setting up a 10gal and then I showed him a mantis shrimp and what they can do ......he is on the hunt for now he has his little 10gal that he is cycling and checking and he is so cute cause he thinks he is a saltwater guy now....but hey he like to go to the LFS now cause there might be a mantis........