

Reefing newb
Should I take him out? Seems like its a 50/50 thing from what im reading online.

It is 3 in the morning right now and i got up to get a class of water and saw him peaking out of the rocks. He was munching down on what im guessing is a dead sponge. That red patch in the picture. You can see him next to it on the right. Also found 2 other tiny ones on the sand bed

Can they sting you? One of my Astrea snails was on his back so i reached in to help and the bristle/fire worm hunched up like a cobra. It was a little scary

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I don't know...I never see mine LOL This one was in a rock in my 10g, but I never saw it again (that rock is now in my 125).

[ame=]YouTube - Bristleworm in my 10g[/ame]
umm.. my snail is sucking on one of the tiny ones. What should i do?

Nevermind he let go and is walking away. Hes a very curious snail
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My blue hermit is eating the bristle worm. He pulled him out of the rock and is now chowing down.

:( and we just started to get to know each other too...`
i found that the more food supply in the tank for the bristle worms, the fast there goin to multiply, there are good for eating left over food, tho. if you find that you hate them that much, get an arrow crab, coral banded shrimp or a six line wrasse i believe will eat them. but yeah dont put your hand near them, ive been stung by one and let me tell you, i went out that day ad bought traps i was so ticked off