cl super skimmer mod


Reefing newb
Came across this on another forum and for the life of me can not find it again to link.

Its incredibly simple and reversible in about minute. First adjust the red nob so that the most water is being passed through the skimmer. This is when the bubbles rise up the collection tube the least if at all.

Now take off the air intake silencer and attach a fifty cent air valve. In my case with the ss220 the air valve remains almost fully open. Your adjustment may need to be different.

A few things appear to be happening when this is done. The bubbles in the reaction chamber are smaller and there is less adjitation/surging taking place and the bubbles will rise up the tube in the collection cup much further at the outset despite the setting of the red knob. About three quarts of the way up in my case.

Now I know what your thinking. It will give more skim but just a lot wetter. I thought the same but not so. I get as dark a skim as before but at the vary least twice as much. Actually this is a rather conservative estimate its probably more.

Cant hurt to give it a try its working wonders for me.