Combo/Split Tank?


Reef enthusiast
Wanted to know if its possible to get a 100 gallon tank and split it to be 75 and 25?

I tried doing google searches but didnt really come up with anything so maybe I am not using the correct terminology or something.

I ask because I want to have a larger reef AND a seahorse/pipefish tank but would like to have it all share the same water.

In my mind I see a divider maybe with holes drilled in it to divide the horses from the big tank.

Am I off my rocker or has anyone seen this before?
In my mind I see a divider maybe with holes drilled in it to divide the horses from the big tank.

That sounds like it would work. My 3 chamber sump worked that way -- separated all 3 chambers w/ no problems. And adding the holes would allow for the same water to be shared without letting the critters move back and forth. You'd just want to make sure to keep it algae free so it's not a funny looking grimy barrier :)
Ok I guess its probably something I will have to get custom made then. It would be nice to be able to have something I can just go buy I am so impatient LOL
Thanks guys
You could buy the tank, take it to a glass shop and have them cut/drill the divider for you. And at some places they will even silicone it in place for you (just make sure they use the proper silicone).
The only issue i see with that is the seahorses like colder water, so your reef might not do as well at the temperatures they like.
+1 for little_fish The horse coral should be much cooler why not big reef in the new tank and small seahorse tank in your cube.The horses and piefish will do better with less flow than a reef as well.Although horses like a tall tank with lots of hitching posts at different levels through out the tank
the thing that would concern me most after keeping seahorses for 5 yrs or so was that they are very prone to diseases.. eveyrthing has to be kept right for them to survive...
I just think that trying to keep a successful reef will make it hard to keep a successful seahorse tank.... just an opinion...
It doesn't have to be one tank. You could have pipes running from the sump to both of your tanks.

That would be the same as having just a divider between the tanks, it would be the same water (water quality) and same temperature in both tanks that way too.
I forgot about the horses liking cold water good point.

I was trying to not have 2 sets of maintenance but doesnt sound like a good idea now that I think about it.

thanks everyone!
I live in florida it's hard enough to keep my tank below 80! But that is really interesting stuff not sure where I would find fishes for it though and I love my blenny to much to go cold