Coral reskinning after shedding?


Reefing newb
I put a brain coral in my Biocube a few months ago and it got attacked by my hermits. They all jumped on it and the coral "shed" its soft tissue (I know there is a term for this just can't remember it). All that was left was the skeleton, I have watched it closely and the little "mouth" was still opening and closing so I have been using Zooplex every three or four days. I am curious if anyone knows what is growing on it. Very soft looking almost opaque and there is also some green on the back starting. Any help would be great!! Sorry there are only 2 ok shots, iPhone is not a great camera for this.


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The mouth opens and closes still, it is behind the new growth, the colour before was red blue and green. When it let the soft part of its body go it was just like when an anemone takes a dump, it all just streamed away. it was in an area of low water flow and still is..
Thank you so far for your help!!